What? You
still don't have your banner? If you don't have your own web site get it now with WebMinds. If you have your own page you just have to have your own
banner for advertisement purposes. This is it. And here we can generate one for you for
free if you promise us to put a link to us anywere on your page (just a promise, we will
not check it out). We will supply you with a code for a link with your order. it's as
simple as 1-2-3. Just E-mail us text you want to appear on your banner, size in pixels and
style (from bellow). You'll get your animated banner in mail ASAP. Thank you. Speed of
banner text scrolling will be appropriatly customized for the text your provide. If you're
not satisfied with speed just let us know at nadegda@aol.com.
It is also possible to put a custom background image or color. Don't be shy. Speak to us.
Faux banner. Great one, encourages
people to click on it to "scroll" the content and next thing they know... they
are at your page.